Flag of Spain


16, Female Student ID: 248ICSESP050JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Horseback Riding
Martial Arts


Hello dear host family,

I am Leire, a future Spanish exchange student. I am a very demanding person with myself. I am very empathic and I always try to help others and do my best for it. I am loving and loyal to the people I love. I am very responsible and I am very good studying, especially languages, since I always like to learn something new. I am brave making decisions. I’m pretty organized but a bit messy, and I’m good with kids and babies.

I love traveling, spending time with friends and listening to music, going to concerts, festivals… Another thing I really like are cars and motorcycles because I find them very interesting. I like to read, especially romantic, detective and crime or mystery novels. I like to practice sports, the one I currently practice is karate, although I have also always wanted to play football (soccer) professionally. My favourite food is soup and deviled eggs, although I also like to cook and eat desserts like cakes and cookies. I love animals, especially dogs and horses. Finally, I also love nature, trees and plants and any natural landscape. I have travelled to London, France, Portugal, Mexico and New York, and my favourite place will always be New York, since I love skyscrapers and big cities and their lights at night. I would love to visit Los Angeles and Las Vegas sometime. In the future I would like to be a police officer and study criminalistics to have knowledge about forensic sciences and those fields.

My family is very important to me. They have always supported and helped me in everything. I love spending time with them whether it’s going on a trip or just going to eat in the countryside. Some of my family traditions include celebrating Christmas, Halloween, birthdays, Three Kings Day (January 6th) and having meals on Sundays at my house.

I have always wanted to live this experience because I think I can learn many things. First, I think that I will mature and grow as a person because I will have to face situations that are not so simple without my family. I will also be able to improve my level of English and get to know other cultures, foods, places and people, as I think it is the perfect opportunity to do so. I also believe that I can spread something of my customs and culture to my future family. I don’t have any preference about choosing a place for my exchange year because I believe that I can learn many things and have good experiences in all states.

Kind regards,


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