Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 248KWDDEU036JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Football (Soccer)
Video Games


Dear family,

My name is Lenard and I come from Germany. I would like to spend my exchange year with you, but first of all I would like to thank you for taking this adventure with me. My life in Germany is complete, but I am very interested in experiencing a new culture. That’s why I want to do this exchange program. I spend most of my time in Germany with my family and friends. I play soccer in a club and I love playing basketball with my friends. I also go to tournaments or competitions at the weekend. I spend a lot of time with my family, my mother Nadine, my father Arno and my little brother Lasse, when I’m at home. We like to travel to other countries. It’s really nice because then I get to see other cultures, their past and how they live now. I’m also really looking forward to high school, which has a very different school system to ours. My daily routine is as follows: I get up at 6am and walk to the bus stop at 6.30am to catch the bus to school. This starts at 7.50 am and ends at 1.15 pm. Then I go home to have lunch. Then I do my homework. If there is no soccer training, I meet up with my friends. I’m really looking forward to seeing you and I’m very excited.

Best regards,


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