Letter from natural parents in Brazil
It’s that time of the year- time to say ‘see you later’! We love this letter written from a Brazilian mother, Elisete Fogaça, to her son’s host family Larry Moore and Gwen Belk Moore in Alabama. Larry and Gwen hosted their daughter Natalie Fogaça 3 years ago and their son, Andrei Fogaça, this past school year.
Dearest Gwen, Dearest Larry,
This is Andrei’s last day with you in this marvelous, unique experience. This time we had not the opportunity to be in Vernon, talk to all you and bring him home. So, that’s why we want to write some words to you.
We must thank Our Lord for putting you both in our children’s life. We were blessed and we are more sure about this than ever by getting to know such good and kind people as you are. Gwen and Larry you are in our prayers forever.

You gave love and care to our children, and we learn that from what we have heard from Andrei during his stay and from Natalie in the past. And it occurred so many times. We strongly believe our children are part of what we are, the way they describe you or talk of you is enough to understand that you took care of them the best you could. In Brazil we say “who loves someone, takes care of him”.
Being very honest, sometimes we were jealous on you, especially when Andrei simply ignored us during his stay in Vernon. Or it would be better to say replaced us? Whatever, Natalie did the same! Wow, it is hard to see they found someone else to trust as friend or family… In other hand we are so proud of him because he was able to be part of your family. And he got the major objective of the exchange program, making friends and help building a better world. You should be aware, he did it only because you gave him support and patience.
You opened your house to us, yes, to us and not only to Andrei. You lost your privacy and you spent your time and money for him. How to pay back this priceless offer? I only can think on our most precious good, our family. We consider you as our family too. Our arms and house are open to you whenever you want or whatever you need. We hope to see you soon here in Curitiba. We miss you already! We love you!
Your family in Brazil,
Marcelo, Elisete, Natalie and Andrei