Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU023JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Family Activities


Dear future host family,

with this letter I want to present myself to you and want to thank you for your hospitality. It’s great that you are willing to take me into your home as an exchange student. Additional to the letter, I recorded a short video, so that you can get a better impression of me.

My name is Lina. I am 15 years old, and I live in Hanover, Germany. I live there with my parents and my little sister in a House in a suburb of Hanover. My Mum’s name is Antje, and she is 42 years old. She works as a teacher at a special school. My dad’s name is Ronny, and he is 46 years old. He works as a teamleader in building management. I have a little sister. Her name is Lotta, and she is 5 years old. She goes to kindergarden. My grandma and my grandpa live near the Baltic Sea and their both self-employed as a nurse and engineer. My ant lives in Atlanta, Georgia and works there at Porsche. As a family we like to spend much time on the weekends together. We like to do different things together, like going swimming, going in the zoo or in indoor halls. But also, we just like to spend time together at home and play games or watch movies.

I’m in the 10th grade of a comprehensive school. A typical school day starts at 8am and ends at 4pm. I like the subjects German, English and Music. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are not my favorite. In September we went on class trip to London, and it was a very great experience.

I value myself as a very open minded and direct person. It’s usually easy for me, to meet new people and find new friends. Sometimes I am a bit to directly and say immediately what bothers me. That’s not always helpful. I’m working on that and trying to take a step back. I can be a very ambitious person very passionate about something. Occasionally I’m also a lazy person, who likes to put things off. I’m currently trying to improve that.

I am a very polite person, and I am happy to help where I can.

I also show this in church. I often go to church several times a month and work with children there and offer various projects that have something to do with religion. I also go to camps and help out there. Besides that, I really like to do sports. I have tennis training and dance training once a week. I dance contemporary there. I used to ride horses for many years and learned to play the flute and piano. Otherwise, I like to meet up with my friends in my free time. We just spend time together, have fun and laugh a lot.

I decide to do an exchange year, because I find it exciting to get to know other cultures and a different school system. I was in the USA for the first time in April (Atlanta and Florida) and very impressed by the country and the people. I really liked the openness and friendliness. I would be happy if I could introduce my host family to our country a little more. I enjoy cooking and baking and would love to prepare something for you in the kitchen. I hope, I come back with lots of new experiences. I would like to come back even more independent and responsible after these 10 Months. I’m also looking forward to meeting new people. All in all, I just hope I have a wonderful time with lots of new experiences.

I’m looking forward to a great host family with who I get along very well and to a wonderful time together.

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