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, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU092JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Band and Orchestra
Choir or Singing
Family Activities
Skiing or Snowboarding


Dear host family,

I am Lorena and I would love to spend ten months in the USA to experience being at a high school, the family life and to get more familiar with the language. I also want to get to know the culture more, than I do out of movies or series. My favourite series and movies are “Friends” and “Gilmore Girls” and basically every Disney movie there is. I am musical, funny and most of the time punctual. Sometimes I am a little chaotic and lazy. But I am working on that. In the morning my parents often call me “Grumpy” because I need a little time to get awake completely. Other than that, I am helpful, athletic and loyal. My favourite foods are Schnitzel and Pasta amongst other things. And normally I am not that picky about food.

My favourite subject in school is music which is why, back in fifth and sixth grade, I was in a class with a main emphasis on music and also why I am in the school orchestra. In my free time after school, I do a lot of sport, like playing tennis since I was seven or horseback riding since I was nine years old. Other than that, I am pretty creative and totally into music: I played the violin since I was seven years old, and I taught myself how to play the piano. I also love to sing, mostly to Disney songs. But I also listen to Pop songs and Rock’n Roll and of course I play classical music on my violin. There usually is no day where I am not listening to music or playing the Violin or the piano.

On school holidays I often travel with my parents, my older sister Jasmin and my dog Momo. We have already been to different places in Europe and in the USA. My sister and I spend a lot of fun time together. She is like my best friend and I tell her nearly everything. Sometimes my family and I play board games, go shopping, to the movies or to concerts together. We generally often do something as a family. If it is just eating together or going for a walk with Momo. On Christmas Eve we always go to the church and have dinner with my grandma who lives in the apartment below us. On Birthdays we also go on family trips and celebrate with our family and friends.

I hope you got to know me a little bit and thank you for letting me be a part of your family for a year.

See you soon,


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