Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 248SIGDEU098JSM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Skiing or Snowboarding
Video Games


Hello! November 29th, 2023

My name is Luuk and I am 15 years old. I live in a middel-sized town in the western part of Germany.

I have two brothers. Their names are Carl and Lasse. They are twins and almost 4 years older than me. My mother´s name is Bettina. She works as a radiooncologist. My father´s name is Markus. He is an ENT doctor. My parents got divorced some years ago. Since then I live with my twin brothers and my mother. I meet my father once or twice a week.

I go to one of the high schools of my home town. Right now, I visit the 10th grade. My brothers finished school in the last summer and started a year of voluntary military service. In my spare time I practice boxing. I have boxing practice three times a week. I have been playing soccer until last year. I started playing soccer when I was three years old. I was also part of a tennis team for a couple of years.

In my free time I like to meet my friends. In my town it is possible to move around by bike or go by tram so I don´t need to depend on my mother to visit my friends or go to sports activities. In the summer I often meet my friends outside to play soccer or basketball. In the winter time we usually meet at different friends´ houses. Our community is very safe and so our parents allow us to stay out on weekends so we have time to do different kind of activities. During the week I am usually busy with school and sports.

Like most teenagers I also like to play computer games or xbox. When I was younger my mother was very strict with the time we were allowed to watch TV or play on eletronic devices. These rules relaxed during the corona lock down as the schools were closed in Germany and my mother couldn´t do home office as a physician. Last year I got my own xbox and I am allowed to use it more often. I also like to play with my friends online.

My mother attaches importance to spend time togehter as a family. We prepare breakfast und dinner togehter and eat together.

My family loves to go on trips. In winter and in spring we often go down hill skiing in Austria or Switzerland. In summer my brothers and I are lucky to travel with my father and with my mother. With my father we made trips to southern europe like Greece, Spain and Italy. With my mother we visited Austria and the Netherlands.

My strengths are that I am very active and I love to do sports. I am open to new experiences and I love to meet new people. Sometimes I am a bit cautious in the beginning but people usually describe me as being very open and friendly. I am also helpful and sensitive about the needs and wishes of other people. My friends say that they can always rely on me when they need help. When I am new to a situation or a group of people I usually fit in quickly. My parents like about me that I follow the rules. I know what people expect from me and I strive to fulfill the expectations.

My weaknesses are that I am a bit forgetful and I am not really good at organizing my stuff. sometimes forget things like umbrellas or sweaters at school or at practice. Also when I am very focused on my goals, I get a bit frustated if it doesn´t work out the way I plant it – but I get over that very quickly.

I am really looking forward to my exchance student year, to all the new experiences I will make. I am very excited to take part in the American way of life and to learn about the American culture. I can´t wait to be a part of your family and to share a lot of new experiences with you. And of course I am looking forward to visit an American high school, to be hopefully part of a school sports team and to meet a lot of great new people.

With kind regards


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