Flag of Spain


16, Female Student ID: 248TLTESP067JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Board Games
Community Service
Family Activities
Horseback Riding
Martial Arts
Visiting Museums


Hi, dear future host family! I’m Maia.
First and foremost, thank you very much for spending your time reading this letter, it means a lot to me!
The aim of this letter is giving you some information about me and my family, so I’m going to start by talking about them. Currently, I live with my father, my mother and my little brother. Even though we have completely different personalities, that’s not a problem when it comes to enjoying our time together. I really relish spending time with them but, what really makes me looking up to them is: my father’s patient and his ability to keep calm in the worst situations, my brother’s creativity and how he uses it to solve his little problems and my mother’s ability to call the shots and know what to do even in the most chaotic situation. Besides, I also have pets. Actually, I have 4 dogs and 1 cat, which names are Wendy, Simba, Togo, Lluna and Black.
When it comes to me, I’m a very lively, optimistic and creative person. I’m very peaceful and I hate when someone gets on a fight in front of me, as I think that life is too short to waste our time fighting and not loving each other or, at least, respecting ourselves and others. Moreover, I’m the oldest kid in my family (the big sister and cousin) and this has triggered in me a huge sense of protecting others, as I’m always babysitting my little cousins, and I believe I have the duty of teaching them how to solve problems without using violence.
If I had to point out all my strengths, I’d start by saying that I have inherited my father’s patient. For this reason, I don’t give up easily and I try it again and again until I achieve my goals. It’s also quite difficult to get on my nerves, because, as I have said before, I don’t think getting angry is worthy. Another aspect I would like to point out about myself is that I’m always willing to make someone’s day, I mean, spreading happiness and making people laugh and smile is something I really enjoy.
However, it is common knowledge that no one is perfect and, obviously, I’m not the exception. I have a tendency for trusting people before I know them and sometimes it has caused really harmful consequences to me and my self-esteem. Yet, it is something that I’m working on and, although I’m far from rude when I meet someone new, I don’t give my trust to them until I know they deserve it. Another weakness might be my lack of delegating skills. I always try to do it all by myself and I know that it’s good to be independent, but also to know how to ask for help and not to carry with other’s responsibilities.
Other aspects worth considering about me are my interests and hobbies. Since I was a little girl, I have liked learning new languages. Indeed, I speak several languages: Spanish, Valencian and English, and I’m learning Portuguese and Italian. Moreover, I really keen on reading, drawing, painting and all stuff related to the space and how it works. Eventually, when it comes to sport, I practice yoga and judo, two activities that help me to relax and stay fit.
To conclude, I’d like to say that, when I grow up, I want to become astrophysics and I’d like to live in United States and work for NASA, and I’m sure that this experience will help me to be aware of how living far from home really is and I will make sure I’ll take good advantage of it.
Thank you very much for your time, I’m looking forward to meeting you!
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