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, Female Student ID: 248SYGDEU007JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Band and Orchestra
Board Games
Family Activities
Horseback Riding
Martial Arts
Skiing or Snowboarding


My family consists of my mother Julia, my father Tobias and my younger brother Malte. He is ten years old. Spending time with them is my favorite thing to do, e.g. I love listening to music, watching movies or playing board games with them, especially with my brother. But travelling with them is my absolute favorite. I love experiencing new countries, other cities or even my own region with them.

When describing myself I’d say I am an open-minded and tolerant person. I stand up for justice and freedom. I tolerate everyone, no matter which skin color, religion, sexuality etc. they have. I’m open for other countries, cultures and traditions. It is my dream to travel the world and get to know as many cultures as possible. I love to get to know other people from other countries. That’s why I’d say I’m also a curious person.
Furthermore, I am an ambitious person. I know what I want and work hard for my dreams. In addition to that I’d describe myself as responsible and dutiful. I care for others and perform my duties conscientiously.

I have many hobbies and interests that I like to do. In my free time I care for a horse and also ride it. In general, you can say that I love animals, but unfortunately, I don’t have any pets.
In addition to that I’m keen on music. I play the clarinet for 8 years now and play in an orchestra as well but I also have private lessons. Furthermore, I love doing sports (e.g. riding the bike, swimming, skiing etc.). But I also love to try new sports. I’m really open for new things and would love to try sports, I haven’t done yet.
Furthermore, I have a passion for cooking and baking. I love to try new creations and to surprise my family with food. As you may have noticed, I’m a vegetarian. If my host family is not vegetarian, I don’t have a problem with that. I can cook for myself.

From this experience I hope to gain more self-confidence. I think with that experience I will grow and get to know myself better. Furthermore, I’m convinced that I will improve English as my second language. I consider English as an imperative language and I want to be exceptional at it.
But I think the most important reason is getting to know the American culture and people. I want to live in the USA for quite a while to learn about the American every day life, high school in America and their traditions.

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