Flag of Austria


16, Female Student ID: 248SYGAUT004JYF Austria

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Drama or Theater
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Playing Cards
Running or Jogging
Skiing or Snowboarding
Table Tennis


My family is the dearest thing to me; it consists of my father (Marco), my mother (Kerstin), my older brother (Dario) and our dog. My brother and I have always got on very well and even though he’s already 20, it still feels just like when we were kids. Since we were little kids we’ve loved to play LEGO or PLAYMOBILE and build whole worlds for hours. One of our favorite things to do also was to build tents out of blankets and cushions in our rooms, with the help of our parents. My dad taught me every sport I wanted to learn, for example soccer, swimming, tennis and table tennis, skiing, snowboarding and inline + ice skating. I love to cook and bake various things together with my mum, it doesn’t really matter what exactly, we enjoy cooking a normal lunch or making Christmas cookies together. Going for walks in the forest together with our dog is something we do regularly, because we can all relax and have pleasant conversations.
One of my favorite pastime is playing piano. I’ve been going to our local music school for six years and I’ve participated in every annual “end of the year” performance. That’s why I would really appreciate to have the opportunity to keep playing piano somewhere during my exchange year. Since October 2022 I’ve joined a theater group for teenagers and we’ve performed our play at many different venues but not only in Austria, we’ve also been part of an international theater festival in Czech Republic. Ever since I’ve read the Harry Potter books in primary school I’ve been obsessed with reading and generally books of all kind. My favorite book is Little Women, but I also enjoy a good thriller or fantasy book. Spending time with my friends is something I cherish the most, because no matter what we do, going on picknicks, cooking together, going to a museum or cinema in Vienna, hosting board games and movie nights or going to dancing school together, I can always be sure that we have a good time.
My favorite meal since I was a child are Austrian-styled pancakes and for a few years now chanterelle goulash with bread dumplings, but also Asian food. My favorite holiday without a doubt is Christmas. For as long as I can remember I’ve loved the Christmas songs, movies, cookies, decoration, the typically Austrian Christmas markets and just overall the whole atmosphere. One of my favorite family traditions is our annual family party during the summer break. It takes place at a lake near my grandma’s house and together with about 30 relatives we have a big barbecue. Another tradition I absolutely adore is the way we celebrate our birthdays; we decorate the house with balloons, print out pictures and buy our favorite snacks. Growing up like this I would love my host family to be one with children to experience other, new and maybe even completely different family traditions. Therefore, to be hosted in a family with their own kids is a great wish.
I want to grow as a person during my exchange year and gain as many different experiences and memories as possible, which I will probably remember my whole life. I hope to meet a lot of people and make new friends, with whom I will hopefully stay in contact after I come back home.
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