Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU093JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Family Activities
Horseback Riding


Dear Host Family,

I am happy that you have chosen me and I can hardly wait to get to know your country and your culture.

My name is Melina and I’m 16 years old. I live with my family in a village near a big city. In my family are my parents, my younger sister, our dog Balou, 2 horses and 8 chicken. With Balou I take long walks and play ball. I love to spend time with our horses, ride out, walk or make nonsense with them. But the daily stable work is also fun for me. In the rest of my free time I play Badminton and drums, read a lot “Fantasy” or “Romance” books. When time allows, I enjoy baking and sewing. My favorite food is pizza and burger with fries. My favorite movies are “Harry Potter”, “Rubyred”, “Percy Jackson” and “Twilight”. My favorite holiday is Christmas, because I like the together with my family. Another thing I like are game nights with friends or my family.

My friends say about me that I’m very friendly, helpful and open minded. I can empathize well with others. Sometimes I can be very persistent. My strengthen are that I can work for others and work well with animals. In everyday life I have sometimes Teenager-disputes with my little sister.

My weaknesses are I don’t like to clean my room and that I like to put things off.

In Germany I go to a big school with ca. 1300 students. Currently I go to the 10th school year. In the school I’m team member from the “school medical service”, here I help students with injury and help my school at events. I like the subjects design, biology and history. Math and German I do not like it very much. Unfortunately there are no after school activities so it is just a place to study.

After school I meet my friends, this is often complicated, because we go to different schools and we have often to study. In the school I have learned to play drums, this I do now at home.

Once a week I have Badminton training. To my horses I go almost every day and spend a lot of time with them.

I would like to spend my study abroad year in the USA because I have learned a lot about the landscape and culture through movies and books and now I want to experience it myself.

I have chosen a high school year because the school system is different from ours in Germany. Here, I would like to participate in a theater or musical club. If possible, I would also like to learn Spanish in high school. I hope to make contact with nice people, form new friendships, and get to know a new culture and country through this exchange. I also want to improve my English.

Although my family enjoys traveling with a camper van, it is mainly within Europe. But I would like to get to know the country from the movies and books.

I am fascinated by the variety of big cities, but also by the vastness of the country with its many farms and agriculture.

I want to be a part of your family, experience the everyday life, and also celebrate traditional holidays with you, such as Thanksgiving. I also want to show you how we live in Germany, for example by cooking and baking German food for you.



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