Flag of Turkey


16, Male Student ID: 248ABCTUR042JYM Turkey

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Martial Arts


Dear Host family,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep interest in the student exchange program. The prospect of studying in a new environment and immersing myself in a different culture excites me. I want to meet people with different cultures and characteristics. I am excitedly looking forward to that.

As a student who may get education in an international atmosphere, I am eager to expand my cultural horizons and gain a global abilities. The exchange program offered at Host Institution align perfectly with my personality, and I am eager to learn everything that I can grasp from the host families, school, and anything around me. I’m so interested in cars, mechanics, history, gaming, and science. But mostly mechanic things and automotives manages to excite me. My dream is to become a successful engineer and contribute to science. USA is the perfect change for me to improve myself and take a step forward to my dream.

I am not a very social person but I am not an antisocial either, my sister went to Lithuiania for academic reasons, with that I had a chance to try guitar and learning it. If its not a problem for my host family I would be happy to bring it with me. I can’t live without a sport activity, I had tried football, basketball taekwondo, swimming, ice skating, and badminton. Right now I am doing Martial Arts and fitness training consistently. I Am more focused on kickboxing and Muay Thai, a mixture of them. I love animals so much, I even had a dog till September 2023. He passed away unfortunately. In Turkey there are lots of stray animals and our people feel responsible to feed them adn make a warm place for them. I am one of them and I feed stray animals twice a week at least. I am absolutely a car enthusiast. I love automobiles more than any other of my hobbies, like the common, I love gaming too but I am not addicted to it. I know when to quit. I have a sim racing setup in my room, I love racing and I have been dreaming to become a racecar driver since I was a kid. I am an adrenaline seeker, I love doing things that pumps adrenaline enough to feel it. I love nature, I love trekking and camping in nature. I can even sit in a chair for hours just watching the view. I can adapt to every kind of family, I just don’t like little kids, because they are very noisy and naughty. I am neither a introvert or a extrovert person. I am in the middle. I am a night person, I love nights and staying awake at nights make me feel peaceful. I love rainy climates too. IN a nutshell, my character is like this, as I said I love animals adn if my host family have a family member with four legs, it makes me happy and I love helping them to take care of it.

Beyond education and exchange program, the opportunity to engage with a diverse community and participate in cultural exchange activities is something I look forward to. There is so many diversity in the USA and I want to learn and get experience as much as I can do. And one reason why I want to have my education in USA is when a new innovation founds, USA is the first place that people have a chance to use it. I have been living with my father, mother, and my sister for 16 long years, I want to experience the challenges that comes with living without them. I am confident that this experience will not only contribute to my personal growth but also allow me to bring a unique perspective to the Host institution community’s culture.

Thank you for considering my application. I am very excited about the possibility of being a part of the student exchange program.



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