Thank you for using your time for reading this letter. I am Minttu from Finland and my family include mom, dad, three little sisters and a dog. Sometimes we play board games or go out on a trip. I like play and practice tricks with our dog Tuiske.
I don’t give up easily and always try my best. I get excited easily about everything, especially with my friends. I am careful at first but when you know me I am reliable and funny. I like teamworking more often and I am creative and honest but sometimes I just want to be alone.
My favorite hobbies are badminton and working as young fire fighter. I like to be with my friends. I am in a band at school. Also, I often listen to music from YouTube. I like to move in nature. My favorite foods are steak with potatoes and salmon with mashed potatoes. We try eat together every day. On Christmas we celebrate with a lot of relatives and anyone don’t hurry anywhere.
When I am in the USA, I want to be part of family and make friends. Thank you for your time.