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17, Male Student ID: 248INTSVK030JYM Slovakia

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Community Service
Family Activities
Skiing or Snowboarding
Visiting Museums


Hello future host family!

I am really thankful for your willingness to accept foreign student into your family.

My name is Miro, I am from a typical European family. Both of my parents are working, they are strict, caring and supporting. Like in any other family, there are better and worse moments, some of them are resolved by our family cat – Bela. 🙂 From my perspective, we are very sport oriented, from young age we went on ski trainings. During summer we go cycling, visit some waterparks or go on vacation to other country to relax next to the sea.

When I was very young I was shy, quiet, sensible kid, some of that is still in me. Along with the physical and mainly mental growth I learned to be more reasonable and self-confident. I also like to work hard, when I am really into something I can be very ambitious. On the other hand, when I am determined to something I can forget about other important things, as for example school work. In some situations I can be serious and professional, but sometimes I like to laugh or be more childish. Laziness is not typical for me, but sometimes I just want to have more free time to do something. I have wonderful memories of my childhood, I was living in an apartment building with big garden with many trees, maybe that is why I have really good fantasy and high level of creativity now. Now we live in a family house with a nice garden too.

I am an adventurous person so I like trips or hikes. With that is connected my love for nature landscapes or interesting historical places like old churches on hills with great views. I go to gym on daily basis, and on the weekends I go on ski trainings. We live in a city and we preserve traditions during holidays like Easter or Christmas. We do not eat any special meals, for lunch or dinner we eat everything that could be served from basic ingredients that can be found in the store. I am that kind of person that can eat pretty much everything.

Travelling to USA as an exchange student, I would like to learn something new, my hope is that I will experience different culture, meet new friends. As my country is small, I am looking forward to living in a bigger country, where everything is new and I will have new opportunities to live something different and bigger. I am open to any American home and I think I can adapt easily. I appreciate your desire to accommodate me throughout the school year.

Best, Miro (Miroslav)

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