Flag of Vietnam

Mong Dan Thy

17, Female Student ID: 248ABCVNM004JYF Vietnam

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!


Mong Dan Thy

I currently reside in a nuclear family with my parents and elder brother. Being the youngest, I am undoubtedly the center of attention. Despite our busy schedules due to work and studies, having dinner together every evening is a top priority for us. Additionally, we make it a point to visit my grandmother on special occasions.
The student exchange program offers students the opportunity to study in a foreign nation for a specific period. This experience allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and foreign customs.
I am currently enrolled in a high school, which is highly regarded in my local community. One aspect I particularly appreciate about the school is its dedicated and creative teachers. After a year of studying here, I have observed that the majority of educators are qualified, patient, and skilled at inspiring students to learn.
Vietnam is a remarkable country with strong patriotism and breathtaking landscapes. The warm hospitality of Vietnamese people and the rich tapestry of traditional cultures are instantly captivating. I anticipate facing a variety of challenges when residing with a host family and studying in an American school. Cultural differences pose the most significant challenge, and it is likely that I may experience culture shock. Nevertheless, I am determined to gradually adapt and understand these differences. Another noteworthy challenge is the language barrier. Despite studying English for nearly 7 to 8 years, I anticipate difficulties in understanding people due to accents or unfamiliar vocabulary. In addition to improving my English, I am eager to embrace new and unique experiences, as I have heard that the United States boasts a diverse array of cultures.
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