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15, Female Student ID: 248KWDDEU051JSF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Table Tennis


Dear future host family,
I hope you’re doing all well. I’d like to start with saying ,,Thank you”. I really appreciate that you think about hosting me.
Hi, I’m Nina and 15 years old at the moment but when I come to you I will be 16. My parents got divorced and that’s why I’m switching home every week. I don’t have any siblings so I’m living only with my mum/dad.
I’m the head Girl from our school and that’s how I became part of the student representation from the whole state in which I live. I like reading the student law sometimes. After school I normally meet with my friends, play table tennis or watch my favorite shows on the tv. I am at Table Tennis practice twice each week since around seven years.
When I am with my friends we mostly go shopping, to the movies or stay at home and talk or cook/bake.
I always dreamed of living in the US but never imagined this wish could come true. To be honest, it started with younger me watching Disney Channel. I loved the way they live. In 6th grade I thought the
first time seriously about doing an exchange. Of course, as a 11/12-year-old I was way to young to travel around the world without my parents. I didn’t really think much about it after but a few
months ago the travel bug had hit me…
When I think about my exchange semester I can’t wait to make new friends, getting to know how the American lifestyle feels like and of course learning more about your culture. I am also looking forward to try out knew things like finding knew hobbies.
I can’t wait to go aboard and start my exchange year. And who knows, maybe I’ll spent it with you.
Well greetings,
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