Dear host family, my name is Noor and I am 17 years old, I am writing this letter to introduce myself. I live in a city in the Northwest of the Netherlands. There are about 170.000 people who live in my city. I live with my mom and dad and my two younger sisters. I also have 2 bunnies called Tommy and Ayra and they live in our back yard. I always feed them in the morning and clean out their cage. Me and my family spend a lot of time together we always eat dinner together and we like doing things like going out for a meal or going to the movies. I also love to hang out with my friends. We always go shopping or get something to eat after school!
I would describe myself as a very outgoing person, I laugh and talk a lot. I make friends quite easily and I also don’t get mad quickly. I like history, true crime, English and psychology. Sometimes my parents can complain that my room is a little messy. I enjoy meeting new people and I look forward to seeing things I have never seen before and experiencing things I have never experienced before in the Netherlands.
I like doing a lot of things in my free time like going on walks and hanging out with my friends. I also enjoy doing my hair and make-up with my friends. That comes in handy sometimes because I also really love to go out for dinner. My favorite foods are Mexican food and sushi! I sometimes like to experiment with cooking and baking but I am still learning ;). I go to the gym regularly and I also like to watch movies or series on Netflix with some popcorn on the couch or listening to music in my room. My favorite Dutch holiday is Sinterklaas it’s a bit like Santa but it’s also really different. My other favorite is King’s day-that’s the king’s birthday. We celebrate it the night before and the whole day on the 29th of April. We all dress up in orange and you can visit some markets or, what I like to do, is going into town and just enjoy the festivities. It’s really fun!
I hope to really experience the American high school way of life and that I will learn a lot about American traditions, culture and family life from my new friends and family.
Thank you for reading my letter, I look forward to hearing from you