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17, Student ID: 248INTSVK015JYF Slovakia

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Playing Cards
Skiing or Snowboarding
Visiting Museums


Hello, my future host family!

First of all I would like to thank you for reading my letter. I really appreciate it. Today I would like to introduce myself to you so, hello, my name is Paulina. I’m from a town but I spent a lot of time in villages because both of my grandparents are from villages. I am outgoing, kind, creative, and emphatic. Some of my weaknesses are that I can get easily stressed out, get too emotional and I am pretty sensitive in general. I am sociable and friendly however sometimes need some alone time.

I am really into art, drawing and honestly anything creative such as sewing, sculpting, DIY, writing, etc. I also really enjoy collecting crystals. By that, I mean going outside and collecting them from the ground and not buying them. I competitively debate but I started with that only this year. I am also interested in politics, social issues, psychology and stuff about mental health. I love spending time in nature and with animals. I enjoy hikes, walks in nature, and getting to know new places even though my stamina isn’t that great. I used to do a lot of sports but the sport I used to do the longest was swimming. I enjoy it till this day but I don’t do it as a sport anymore. I also ski every winter with my family. Other than that I’m not a big enjoyed of sports.

My favourite food is kebab, spaghetti and fruit and I’m open to trying new dishes. There are some foods I don’t enjoy which are for example most kinds of meat but I’m not vegetarian. My favorite holiday is probably the winter holiday and Christmas because I really like winter and there is just something so magical about Christmas and all of its traditions. I also like Halloween.

I have one sister who is three years younger than me, mom and dad. Me and my sister have a pretty good relationship but sometimes we have sisterly fights. My mom is very kind, sweet and caring. She can be a bit strict sometimes but that’s because she’s worried about me. With my mom and sister, we play many board and card games. My dad is easygoing and careless. During the holidays and free time we go on trips to either hike, some historical place or to some city. I also have two tortoises which I love with my whole heart.

I’m very excited to go to new places, experience American holidays and atmosphere, meet new people and just for every experience that awaits me. I hope to gain independence and valuable experiences that will help me in life. I also hope to gain some new knowledge about America. And I don’t have any preferences, I’m open to anything that comes my way. I’m very excited for you and everything I will experience with you! Thank you for reading!


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