Flag of Spain


15, Female Student ID: 248ISSESP052JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Computers or Technology
Playing Cards
Video Games


Dear Host Family,

I am Saioa, I am 15 years old and I live in a small town surrounded by the beach and mountains. I live with my parents, who are around their fifties, and my brother who is 2 years younger than me. On weekdays I am very busy with highschool, training and academies, and they work until 6 p.m. so we don’t spend much time together. On weekends, whenever it is possible, my whole family, including my grandmother, come to watch my matches, which sometimes are far from home. We go on holidays three or four times a year and that is when we spend most time together. Besides that, every Thursday I have lunch at my grandmother’s house, where usually I am also with my uncle.

I am a very outgoing and sociable person, I love meeting new people, even though at first I may seem shy. I am always looking forward to learning about new cultures, places and people. I am a good student, hard working and responsible, and at school my favorite subjects are mathematics, physics and chemistry. When I grow up I would like to study engineering, but I don’t know which one. I am very sporty and I play rink hockey, but I would like to try different sports, mainly team sports. I also like to watch movies or TV series, cycling and to travel to new places. I eat all types of food and dishes, and I like to try new ones, but I don’t really enjoy peppers. My favorite dish is lasagna, although I love mushroom scrambled eggs too.

I am very excited about going to America because it has been my dream for a long time. I am very grateful for this chance and I am sure I am going to learn a lot from this experience, mostly about the culture and the people. I really want to learn about American culture and I also would like to show my host family how my culture is. I am very thankful to American host families for giving us this chance and for showing and sharing their lifestyles with us.

Thank you for your interest.

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