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17, Female Student ID: 248INTSVK026JYF Slovakia

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Board Games
Family Activities
Playing Cards
Skiing or Snowboarding
Table Tennis
Visiting Museums


My lovely host family,

My name is Simona, I am 17 and I live in a small house with my family in the town. My mom is a very kind and wise woman. She is protective yet supports me in every single thing because she believes that every experience helps me to improve. We started going to yoga classes together and it’s a very pleasant time for us. My stepfather has a very good influence on me because he is an optimistic and really calm person. He is caring and humorous. He loves movies as much as I do, so he is the best partner for watching movies. I have a younger sister with whom we have a wonderful relationship and I see her as my friend. She is funny and stylish. The last member of my family is my cute and cuddly female dog Lady. I go for walks with her and I like to play with her. I am a grade – 11 student at a Bilingual High School and I commute to school by bus. It is exhausting but it is worth it for the school offers a great fundament in general subjects which are taught partly in English. My favorite subjects are Biology, Chemistry, English, and Geography.

I am mostly extroverted, friendly, sociable and chatty. I love both people and animals. I am loyal and can keep a secret. I like a good challenge, I’m ambitious and I absorb facts easily. I would say that I am a leader type and I can cope with problems quickly. However, I still need to work on organization because I can be chaotic sometimes. I don’t like stereotypes. I am stubborn, when I set my mind to something, I try to do everything to make it come true. I am also too honest and a little bit shy in some situations.

I am keen on travelling, listening to music, drawing and DIY. I read a lot, especially romance and self-improvement books, and watch movies, mostly rom-coms and psychological thrillers. Like most girls, I enjoy shopping, baking and keeping a diary. I often spend time with my family, we talk a lot and do sports together, for example skating, cycling and skiing. When I was little, I used to do fitness and my love for dancing still remains in me. I used to swim professionally which I had to stop doing because of commuting to school. I still go swimming occasionally, but not competitively anymore. I spend quality time with my friends. I’m part of a big friend group, we go to parties, brunches, and cinema. I am not a picky eater but my favorite dish is salmon, sushi and pasta.

I believe that one year being an exchange student in the USA will help me with my accent, I will learn new words and phrases and my English will gradually improve. I will meet new people, experience new culture and expand my circle of friends. Besides, it’s a big challenge and a way out of my comfort zone.

Finally, thanks for welcoming me as a member of your family. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes,


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