Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU101JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Choir or Singing



My name is Sonja, I’m 15 years old, and I live in a big city in the south of Germany.

I live with my mum and my older sister Helen, who is two years older than me and will graduate this year. Me and my sister spend time together cooking, baking or just existing alongside each other. We rarely or never fight aside from some teasing. I managed to convince my mom to do yoga with me from time to time.
My father lives in the neighbouring town with his girlfriend and their two daughters. My two half sisters are 7 years and 3 years old and usually full of energy. They are cute but can be quite overwhelming. There is also a cat there but she dislikes people and just shows up whenever she’s hungry. I only see my father and his family occasionally. I get along well with my family, and share my father’s sarcasm.

My school is very multicultural, which I find refreshing since you can learn a lot about other lifestyles. I’m in the school’s choir and Bollywood-dance group. We perform at school events.

Most of my friends go to my school. During summer we often have a picnic in a park on the weekends. If the weather is bad, we’ll just meet up at a cafe or someone’s place to chat, watch a movie or bake. I enjoy listening to music and podcasts.
I like trying new dishes (and I love peanuts). We often eat Asian or Indian foods, since my sister is a vegetarian. During the Christmas season, we bake a lot of different cookies with my grandma.
In the summer holidays, we always go hiking with some family friends in the mountains of Austria for two weeks. It’s fun to live in a cabin in the mountains in the middle of nowhere for a short time.

I’ve had the idea of going abroad for quite some time. I enjoy learning about new cultures and I feel like actually living “inside” a culture will give you a completely different view than just reading about it. Everyday life is different for all cultures and families, and I hope to learn and experience it firsthand. I would love to introduce my own interests and experiences to you as well. As a member of the queer community, I look forward to an open and hospitable environment.

Thank you for giving me the chance to be part of your family. I hope we will enjoy this year together.


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