Flag of Czech Republic


17, Female Student ID: 248ATECZE007JYF Czech Republic

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Family Activities
Running or Jogging
Skiing or Snowboarding
Table Tennis


Dear family,

My name is Tereza and I’m so glad you decided to read my letter and I hope you’ll consider me as a part of your family.

Let me introduce myself, I’m from the Czech Republic, part of EU and I live in a small town in the north of the country but I really find it magical, I live with my parents and my older brother but he’s leaving for college this year so he won’t be home anymore. I consider my brother as one of my best friends we are very close and share a lot with each other I’m very fortunate to have him in my life. Another special member of our family is our turtle, to be completely honest it’s mostly my brother’s because he got it for his birthday a few years ago but we share custody. We used to have other pets like a rabbit and a hamster so I’m used to pets. My family in general is very active, we have a cottage in the mountains so we enjoy going there because there are not many people and no wifi so in the evening we play board games and stuff so it’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy the nature. One of my favorite thing to do with my family is remember our traditions during holidays. For example during Christmas we have many traditions in the Czech Republic but our family favorite is sending out little nutshell boats with candles in them, which is meant to show us what the future holds for us I find this really fun and I can’t wait to share this with you. I really love spending time with my family.

To sum up my personality I’m a very positively minded person. I always try to see the good side of people and things. My friends always consider me an open minded, enthusiastic, hardworking, caring and motivated person. As any other person I also have some weaknesses. The ones that I’m most aware of are that I get very overwhelmed and stressed easily, I’m also bad at time management and procrastinate a lot but I always try my best to overcome my weaknesses.

I’m a really active person, I’m a competitive swimmer and I also have a swimming referee course. I overall love sports for example running or hiking. I used to run and I did triathlon(swimming, cycling, running) for a few years also my brother and dad are doing triathlon so they brought me into it but I only stayed with swimming when I stopped, but I’m getting back into running again. I also like skiing, I have been skiing since I was four so I think I am pretty good at this. Some of my other interests are reading books, mostly romance, listening to music and going to concerts, my favorite singer is Harry Styles but I also enjoy listening to Lana del Ray, One Direction or The Neighborhood and other pop music bands and singers. I have very close friendship with my friends, they are practically my second family. I spend a lot of time with them not only at school and at training but also during my free time.

I go to a “Gymnazium” which is a kind of high school that doesn’t specialize in a certain field. Our school has great teachers and many opportunities for students. It is expected that most students from our school will continue with their studies at college. Our curriculum is very specialized at meeting each student’s interests. During our second year in high school we get to decide on what subjects we want to focus more on and then each get personalized schedules based on our decisions. Until then we all study every subject so that we can see what we enjoy and are most interested in. The subjects that I have chosen are: geography, social studies and Spanish. I would like to develop my Spanish and get a certificate by the end of my high school years.

A big part of my life is traveling. My mum and I spend a lot of time traveling to different parts of the Europe. We really enjoy exploring different countries and having a taste of new cultures and their special traditions. We are not very picky so we also really enjoy trying new dishes from different countries. I don’t have a favorite meal but in my top favorites it would have to be sushi and pasta. Because I’m not a big fan of eggs and nuts, so neither of these dishes have them.

Thank you for your time and I can’t wait to meet you in person. I know we will get along really good and we’ll make it a memorable year for all of us.

Sincerely yours ,


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