by International Students
Select any of the testimonials by international high school students below to learn what other lCES High School Students have experienced during their exchange in the USA!
Reading testimonials about what other international high school exchange students have to say about their experience in the USA is a great way to get the inside perspective of what it really means to be a high school exchange student.
Learn more about the daily life with an ICES Host Family and what it’s like to study at an American High School.
You’d better live, discover and feel it yourself
You’d better live, discover and feel it yourself While my brothers were going to their big destinations for their exchange year, my nine-year-old self was thinking: “Wow! What a fantasy I can’t w...
Getting to know the American culture
Getting to know the American culture This is my third month in America and I can’t believe how fast it’s going. I am having wonderful time and I already have a lot of experiences. When I came to ...
AMERICAN HALLOWEEN As exchange students, we get to see and experience a lot of new things we had never before. Despite of the virus being in the air, Halloween, an American typical holiday, is so...
My first days in America
My first days in America My first days in America were full of fun. I spent a lot of time with my host family as we traveled together and they showed me some places in Tomball, Texas where I am s...
Definitely the best experience I could get as a teenager in 21st century
Definitely the best experience I could get as a teenager in 21st century You have to be a little crazy, and say “yes” to everything I had the best year of my life here. I got the best host fa...
USA is a place where dreams come true
USA is a place where dreams come true My name is Ema and I am an exchange student from Slovakia. Currently I live in Oklahoma, Cashion with my host family, Cates. Normally people talk about their...
It All Started with My Exchange in the USA
It All Started With My Exchange in the USA Don’t say it won’t work until you have tried it! Here I am, living in Taipei, two and a half years after I finished my high school exchange in Orego...
I’m thankful for my life in Oklahoma
I’m thankful for my life in Oklahoma My name is Katka and I am an exchange student from Slovakia, but I live in Oklahoma right now with my host family. At first I flew to LA where I met my host...
My goal was to have the best experience possible
My goal was to have the best experience possible This week people asked me about my goals for 2020. I have never been a person that sets herself goals at the end of a year. I set myself goals whe...
Today it is exactly 4 months since I came to the US, to Texas
Today it is exactly 4 months since I came to the US, to Texas Almost every day something excited happens and I don’t even have time to talk about it with my friends and family in Slovakia. I tr...
I joined the volleyball team at my school and I love it
I joined the volleyball team at my school and I love it “My name is Celia and I’m staying with the Ramsey’s at Harbor Beach, Michigan. I joined the volleyball team at my school and I love i...
An experience I won’t forget
An experience I won’t forget “I’m having a great time in America and it’s an experience I won’t forget. I love my family. I have many good experiences here but my favorite is when we went to th...
They are teaching me a lot about American culture
They are teaching me a lot about American culture When on August, 8 I arrived at the airport and I saw them with a giant poster and two balloons I felt like the luckiest girl in the world, and no...
I got to know my family a little bit more
I got to know my family a little bit more My family and I went to Lansing to see the hot air Ballons in my first week in the USA. It was so much fun and I also feel like it was kind of bonding… I...
Sometimes it’s hard to adjust to living here because it’s so different
Sometimes it’s hard to adjust to living here because it’s so different My exchange life here is great, but sometimes it’s hard to adjust to living here because it’s so different. I’m do...
Everything was decorated about scary things
Everything was decorated about scary things So last weekend I went to past tense with my host family. There was a haunted house, a corn maze and a hayride. Everything was decorated about scary th...
My best experience so far was Homecoming
My best experience so far was Homecoming I am staying in Michigan with my host family. The host family here has a lot of siblings and two dogs. We have done many things so far. I went to the Lion...
I have the best host family in the world
I have the best host family in the world Hi, My name is Tereza and I am an exchange student from Slovakia. It has already been almost three months since I came to the USA. I have the best host fa...
My best decision
My best decision Everything seemed different from the moment I decided to go on an exchange year. At first, it sounded weird to go to a different country where I would live with a family I did no...
My favorite experiences
My favorite experiences I’ve thinking about an exchange for a year. Actually my father said to me be an exchange student, because he wants me to grow up as a person, to be more mature and get a b...
The moment when I found out I can do everything I want
The moment when I found out I can do everything I want Hello, My name is Sara and I am from Slovakia. I was placed in Carl Junction in Missouri. I started running 2 months ago. Before I came here...
I was interested about going to United States
I was interested about going to United States I will be an exchange student for 10 months. I was interested about going to United States to study and I ask my parents … and all happened. It’s...
Everything is great here
Everything is great here Hello, My name is Sara and I am from Slovakia. I was placed in Carl Junction in Missouri. It is a city that has about 7,500 inhabitants. I only have my host mom Lesley, w...
My host family is the best
My host family is the best It is about 2 weeks since I have come to the USA, to Texas. I’m not gonna lie- beginnings are not easy. (And airplanes are not created for sleeping). When I got off the...
Yesterday was the first day of my exchange year
Yesterday was the first day of my exchange year Hi, My name is Lea and yesterday was the first day of my exchange year. I flew all the way from Bratislava, Slovakia to Idaho Falls and then travel...
The world opened its doors for me
The world opened its doors for me (Student letter to the ICES Regional Director) Dear Donna, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me! It’s crazy but I am lea...
My American Experience
My American Experience I will remember these ten months spent in America for the rest of my life. It is an amazing experience to have, going to a foreign country without anyone that you already k...
My exchange was one of the greatest years of my life
My exchange was one of the greatest years of my life My exchange experience has been unforgettable, and as it’s coming to a close it has made me realize exactly just how lucky and privileged I ...
High School Graduation Speech
High School Graduation Speech by Alia, exchange student from Spain Here I was during my first month here in Molalla. I was so excited to finally call my grandma who I hadn’t talked to in such a...
One of the best days of my life
One of the best days of my life I have recently experienced one of the best days of my life. My day started at 4.40am with my alarm ringing. I got myself into show clothes which consists of jeans...
It was my first time outside my home country…
It was my first time outside my home country… … outside Brazil. I remember how scared I was during the flight to San Francisco. What is going to happen? Is my family going to be nice? What ab...
New Friends – New Experiences – Wonderful Memories
New Friends – New Experiences – Wonderful Memories This trip is the best trip that I’ve ever had. Bring me lots of new friends, new experiences and tons of wonderful memories. For the whole...
An unforgettable art competition
An unforgettable art competition I love art. And that means that when my coordinator told me that I can join one of the art competitions, I did not even think about it and I decided to join it. A...
Italian exchange student and friends win ‘catapult’ competition at science fair
Italian exchange student and friends win ‘catapult’ competition at science fair Hi, my name is Gabriele and I’m an exchange student from Italy in Sisters, Oregon. Recently in my high scho...
Become an exchange student, it will definitely change your life!
Become an exchange student, it will definitely change your life! My name is Samantha and I am from Quito, Ecuador. Currently, I am an Exchange Student in Traverse City Michigan. When I told my pa...
My life has changed tremendously since I came to the United States
My life has changed tremendously since I came to the United States I go to school in Palm Desert, a place that is called, “Hollywood’s Playground”. The school routine and the way things run are t...
My best experience in my life
My best experience in my life First day, I was so nervous. That was my first time to go overseas on my own. I felt certain distance between me and my host family. I woke up, and I felt something ...
Through the eyes of an exchange student
Through the eyes of an exchange student Redmond Proficiency Academy Newsletter, February, 2019 by Mos Suttiwetchakul / Staff Writer and Exchange Student Four months ago, I felt frightened every t...
An exchange year is an unforgettable experience
An exchange year is an unforgettable experience An exchange year is an unforgettable experience, for you and everyone around you. In August of 2018 it was time for me to leave my home in Berlin, ...
One of the wonderful memories of this exchange program
One of the wonderful memories of this exchange program Yesterday was my first time to see snow. I went to Santiam Snow Park with my host family. This place is very beautiful, full of snow, happin...
I am having the best year of my life here
I am having the best year of my life here Well, I think I haven’t stop since I got here. All of my days are always full of things with my family, my friends and things at school. My family is c...
Living on Route 66
Living on Route 66 My name is Rike, I am 16 years old and from Germany but currently in the USA for 10 months. In December 2017, I decided to go abroad for 10 months to attend a public high schoo...
My Football-Story
My Football-Story When I went to the US I was really excited to play football, but it was not like I expected it. At Football we had to lift what I have never done before. It was pretty hard that...
My experience has been incredible
My experience has been incredible I’m Mateo, I’ve been in LA for 5 months right now and my experience has been incredible. The high school I’m in is really big and I have a lot of friends, ...
I am very happy that I decided to spend this year abroad
I am very happy that I decided to spend this year abroad Hey to everyone, My name is Michelle and I live in Springfield, Ohio with Phyllis and Raymond. I feel very comfortable with my host family...
Trip to New York City
TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY Hi everyone! My name is Kristína, I am 18 years old and I’m from Slovakia. Right now I am doing my exchange program in San Antonio, Texas for one year. So far I can say tha...
My journey here has already been amazing
My journey here has already been amazing As I walked through the double doors, screams of the roaring crowd intensified. The red, black and white cheer uniforms reminded me of “High School Musi...
It was awesome to meet someone almost from home on the other side of the world
It was awesome to meet someone almost from home on the other side of the world This is Martin Šonka, the famous RedBull Air Racer from Czech Republic. I had an opportunity to meet him and talk w...
Being an exchange student
Being an exchange student Hi, my name is Laura. I am 17 Years old and I am spending my exchange year in West Virginia. I love going to school here and doing things with my friends. It took me a l...
It gave me a second home
It gave me a second home In January of 2018, I left all my friends and family in Brazil to live in America for a year. It was going to be a big change but I couldn’t wait to try it because I’...
They helped me a lot to feel like home
They helped me a lot to feel like home Hi everyone! My name is Daniela, I’m from Spain, right now I’m going to do 4 months here in Delhi, California and I’m having a really good time. First I joi...
Playing soccer in the high school team
Playing soccer in the high school team All the experience lived here was very cool and fun. I met many nice people and had a lot of fun, besides the great language learning and about life. My hos...
It’s an unforgettable experience
It’s an unforgettable experience One of the first days of my experience in the United States my family took me to the beach. It was a very fun day. We played with the sand and race each other. Al...
One of the best experiences in my whole life!
One of the best experiences in my whole life! We went to Cedar Point with ICES, our local coordinators and 13 other foreign exchange students. This was one of the best experiences in my whole lif...
Getting involved in tennis really helped me
Getting involved in tennis really helped me Hello my name is Barbora. I am from Czech Republic and now I am studying at Shawnee High School in Springfield, Ohio. I am in US now for more than two ...
Every day is a new challenge
Every day is a new challenge and an unforgettable experience at the same time! It’s been almost a month since I came to the US for an exchange semester, although it doesn’t really seem like i...
“now I get to call Alabama my home”
“now I get to call Alabama my home” My exchange year was an amazing journey… … and I want to say a huge THANKS to Aimee Vasko Lochrico and the whole family for having me as their own child this w...
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened” I can’t believe it’s almost time to go home after this whole year in America. Happy to be going home, but extremely sad to be ...
I’ve grown with every second that has passed
I’ve grown with every second that has passed Just a minute ago, I opened my suitcase, to pack up all of my stuff yet again. The feelings and thoughts running through my head in this very moment...
These experiences shape who I am today
These experiences shape who I am today The most challenging task to me is the integration into a new culture after attending an American high school. As an international student, I have a burning...
My Exchange Year, USA 17/18
My Exchange Year, USA 17/18 Who I am and how I became an exchange student? I am Fabian from Germany and on August 2nd, 2017 I left my home country to spend my entire year of 11th grade in Ameri...
I came to America with the mindset of trying out new things…
I came to America with the mindset of trying out new things… … so when the spring came I decided to join Track & Field. I’ve always thought of it as a boring sport, but I ended up loving it! I ...
It’s life-changing to have a second family in another part of the world!
It’s life-changing to have a second family in another part of the world! Being an exchange student is a unique opportunity to not only learn about the world and a new culture, but about yoursel...
This was an unforgettable trip with my host parents to Florida
This was an unforgettable trip with my host parents to Florida I was really excited when I heard that my host parents are planning on going on winter vacation. First it was just to do a mission i...
It’s been the hardest and also the best year of my life
It’s been the hardest and also the best year of my life I still can’t believe today was the last day of the best 🇺🇸 high school 💙. This year has been an emotional, crazy roller coast...
Having a sister
Having a sister With my American host family I gained something I thought I would never have – a sister. Back in my country it was only me and my younger brother and I’ve always wanted to kno...
I have the best host family anyone could ever imagine
I have the best host family anyone could ever imagine Exactly 6 months ago, I came to the US to start my exchange year. I was so excited that I thought I wouldn’t be homesick or miss anything at ...
Aloha from Hawaii!
Aloha from Hawaii! A few weeks ago, I, Annika, packed my suitcase and flew from Las Vegas to Honolulu, Hawaii. I flew alone, but as soon as I arrived, I made new friends with all the other exchan...
This is an opportunity to live your best life
This is an opportunity to live your best life When people asked me before embarking on this incredible journey, if I was scared, the first fear I mentioned was not fitting into my host family, wh...
I have learned so much about myself
I have learned so much about myself When I left home, I had to leave my comfort zone. Say goodbye to my everyday life in Denmark and start a completely new life for 10 months. Saying I was nervou...
My dreams truly came true
My dreams truly came true My exchange year is the best experience of my life till now. There are many memories what I have made during my exchange year in the States, but the best were from Disne...
We have a relationship for life
We have a relationship for life The time is running so fast. I can’t believe that my American adventure is already half way over. When I decided to do exchange I was excited but also little sca...
I’m literally living a dream
I’m literally living a dream Hi, my name is Samara and I’m a 17 years old girl from Brazil. My experience in America has been amazing! I’m literally living a dream. Everyone knows that is h...
Unbelievable Experience in Minnesota!
Unbelievable Experience in Minnesota! Could you tell how lucky I am? – Minnesota, not a really known state around the world. Cold, cloudy, snowy… but there it was, The Super Bowl LII. Philadelp...
We’re in the middle of something most people could only dream about
We’re in the middle of something most people could only dream about It very clear to me that we’re all just searching for something “perfect”. Sadly, the pursuit of happiness, makes us bl...
Studying abroad for a year changes you in multiple ways
Studying abroad for a year changes you in multiple ways My experience started long time ago, with the idea of studying abroad. From there my mom and I began a huge process of applications and med...
My experience has made me realize how important family is
My experience has made me realize how important family is Hi, my name is Capucine. I moved to America 7 months ago to live a new experience and to discover a new culture and language. My time her...
I’ll always cherish my experience
I’ll always cherish my experience I’m Luís, 16 years old, from Brazil. I was an exchange student for a semester in southwestern Wisconsin, where the Burbach’s welcomed me in their family. ...
That year as an exchange student was critical and consisted of many personal milestones
That year as an exchange student was critical and consisted of many personal milestones I became an exchange student to the U.S from South Korea in 2005 when I was 16 years old in high school. ...
One of the greatest experiences of my life
One of the greatest experiences of my life So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun… (John Lennon) Christmas is over, however for me it was very ...
“You can call it an ADVENTURE!”
“You can call it an ADVENTURE!” After I decided to do this program, it would mean that I would leave my parents and sister, by air across the world, for 12 hours and live in another country with ...
My Experience as an Exchange Student in the U.S.
My Experience as an Exchange Student in the U.S. #1. Being an Exchange Student in America-the Most Precious Birthday Gift in my Life In August 30th, 2013, I left my family in South Korea and he...
I have seen the rainbow and the path that leads to the brighter future of mine
I have seen the rainbow and the path that leads to the brighter future of mine One of my current teachers once told me that the true nature of making decisions is to decide what you are not going...
It has been already 4 months since I came here to the U.S.
It has been already 4 months since I came here to the U.S. It seems like if it was just yesterday when I got off the plane on the 30th of July at the Kansas City airport and had met the best fami...
I love my American family
I love my American family I’m Angelo and I just want to let you know that my exchange program is going very well. Talking about my host family I want to say that it’s perfect, we have fun EVERY...
I traveled 17 hours from Italy just to watch my idol Damian Lillard
I traveled 17 hours from Italy just to watch my idol Damian Lillard Damian Lillard (basketball player) has always been an idol for me, I’ve been watching his games since I was a child. For this r...
I’m having an amazing experience
I’m having an amazing experience My name is Andrea, I’m 17 years old and I’m from Murcia, Spain. I know the photograph chosen doesn’t seem very interesting, but it means a lot to me. In this pi...
My integration into school was actually easier than I thought
My integration into school was actually easier than I thought Hey I‘m Hannah and I‘m an exchange student from Germany. My integration into school was actually easier than I thought. On my fir...
I am really grateful…
I am really grateful that my host family lets me be part of their family for one year It has been exactly 140 days since I started this long journey at the airport in Berlin. I started with a b...
It is unbelievable that its already been over 100 days…
It is unbelievable that its already been over 100 days since I came to America It seems like it was yesterday I was packed up in one suitcase and ready to leave my home, my family, and my frien...
This place has changed into my second home
This place has changed into my second home My experience so far has been one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done in my life. I got the opportunity to meet a lot of people and great fr...
Thank you everyone who make this opportunity possible …
Thank you everyone who make this opportunity possible … Hello! My name is Alba and I’m going to talk you about the start of my American adventure: I am right now living one of the best moment...
Dream Will Come True as Long as I Don’t Quit
🇰🇷 Dream Will Come True as Long as I Don’t Quit! Before I talk about my experience in the U.S., I’d like to touch upon my life in Korea. I wasn’t known for my academic prowess when I ...
This experience is not only about learning a language…
This experience is not only about learning a language, it’s about growing as a person All the things I have done have changed me. I’m not the person that left Italy almost ten months ago. I have ...
This was a good match
“this was a good match” My host family went from being strangers to family in a really short time. I knew from the moment we were introduced, that this was a good match. And I mean, of course...
Words cannot describe how thankful I am for my host family
Words cannot describe how thankful I am for my host family Not only they opened their door to me and accepted me in their beautiful home, they’ve also treated me like their own daughter, making m...
About a year ago I made a big decision…
“About a year ago I made a big decision” I decided to leave Slovakia and come to the United States for a new experience and to learn English. The only thing I didn’t know was that I would f...
From the Swedish archipelago to the Californian desert
From the Swedish archipelago to the Californian desert Hi, my name is Hampus Lind, and I’m 17 years old, turning 18 in April. I’m from Sweden and right now I live in Ridgecrest, California. I...
“The experience of my life”
“The experience of my life” Hi, my name is Queralt and I’m an exchange student from Barcelona, Spain. I’ve been in America for four months. This time has been amazing, with a lot of new e...
“I absolutely love my host family”
“I absolutely love my host family” My name is Signe, I am from Denmark and I am spending an exchange year in Minnesota. I live here in Farmington with my host family, The Sanborn´s. My host ...
This exchange year has probably been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but also definitely the most rewarding
This exchange year has probably been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but also definitely the most rewarding Hi my name is Karoliina When I was 12 years old, I decided that I wanted to ...
It has been an amazing 5 months
It has been an amazing 5 months I am now slowly coming to the end of my semester exchange in Texas, USA, and it has been an amazing 5 months! My first month in Texas was pretty full on. My host f...