The moment when I found out I can do everything I want

My name is Sara and I am from Slovakia. I was placed in Carl Junction in Missouri.
I started running 2 months ago. Before I came here to the USA I hated running, but the truth is I did it because I’ve never really tried to run.

When I received the application of my host mum and I saw she is a runner I decided to try to run with her. I bought running trainers and waited until I finally met her. Both of us started running together immediately. After a few weeks I became addicted. I was able to run a 5k in less than 40 minutes and when I found out we were going to race in October my goal was to make it in 35 minutes. I wanted it so badly and I did it. Everything is possible.

It was hot, humid, and I still have issues with breathing, the race was hard. But thanks to Lesley and Kathy I was able to keep running and not walk, they were a huge mental support for me. I paced myself and I ended up 2nd in my age category.
UNBELIEVABLE! The moment I saw the finish line I started running as fast as I could – that was the moment when I found out I can do everything I want.
exchange student from Slovakia
living with her host mom Lesley in Carl Junction, Missouri
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