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17, Male Student ID: 248MSOITA002JYM Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Skiing or Snowboarding


Dear Host Family,

my name is Tommaso, I’m 17 years old, I live in a small family composed by me, my dad, my mom and my little dog. I have a really good relationship whit my parents, we always talk about every problem that’s happening inside the family and we try to help.

When we are all together at home, we like to spend our time watching tv or talking about different topics while we have dinner. Every year we always went travelling, and I really love it because I can discover new cultures and make some new friends around the world. My favorite trip ever was this winter in December when we went to Finland to see the northern lights. Every winter we also go skiing in the Dolomites and I really like that, because also my best friend come skiing with his family in the same period.

I’m a very extroverted guy and I was often told that I can talk to anyone, in fact, luckily, it has always been easy for me to make new friends. I really like talking with people about their problems and trying to help them. I can be stubborn too: if I’m very convinced about something it is hard to change my opinion but trying my best to change it.

My favorite hobbies are rugby, sailing, cars, motorbikes, and every type of motorsport. I’ve been playing rugby since 2017, this sport taught me a lot of respect and sportsmanship. Playing rugby has also helped me a lot in some difficult moments of my life, because when I had anxiety or was too thoughtful, I just needed to go on the pitch, run and play with my teammates and for a few hours all the problems faded into the background. I’ve been a scout for 7 years and this helped me a lot to learn how to adapt into every situation. I really love camping and sleeping in a tent. I discovered my passion for sailing four years ago and since the first day I really liked the feeling of complete freedom that sailing gave. Now after four years I am a sailing instructor for the kids that are approaching this sport for me it was very nice to have the opportunity to become an instructor for children because I like them a lot and I like to help them learn new things and develop a new passion. My passion for cars, instead, started because of my dad and my grandfather, because they both love cars and motorsports and they transmitted this passion to me.

My daily routine begins in the morning with the alarm clock at 7:00 am. then at 7:30 am I leave the house to walk to school until 1pm; once I get home, I cook my lunch and then I relax for about an hour. around 3:00 pm I start studying until 6:00 p.m. when I start getting ready to go to training, which starts at 7:00 pm and ends at 9:30 pm. When I finish training I go home, have dinner, then I relax for about an hour watching a film or a TV series and then I go straight to sleep.

My favorite foods are pizza and pasta, I cook my own lunch almost every day because my parents come home after work late in the afternoon.

I really hope that this experience can give me the opportunity to learn about a different culture than mine and I would also like to be able to make some new friends. My biggest goal is to mature, and learn a better study method, but also to learn to be more open to opinions different from my own.

Thank you for hosting me and giving me the opportunity to live this beautiful experience.

See you soon!


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